Monday, April 21, 2008

Exploring YouTube and Google Video

Exploring video sites on the internet was a lot of fun! Especially the lego sites and also some Harry Potter puppet sited a colleague showed me.

I thought Mosman Library's use of video online for author talks was a great idea. Of course, the authors concerned would have to give their permission, but then it would be good publicity for them too!

The CSULB video "Library Reference and Research Assistance" demonstrated how any library can provide an introduction to what reference services it offers through its website. This is a great way of reaching clientele at a time that suits the individual and wherever there is a computer to view.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

It would be great to see more library skills training videos published on YouTube, Teachertube and bliptv too. Then they are accessible where and when you need them.
Mylee (PLS)