Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Investigating wikis

I found looking at different wikis and seeing the different purposes of various wikis a lot of fun.

Wookieepedia was an extremely informative site for Star Wars fans to hone their knowledge of the Star Wars universe and to contribute their insights. It is a highly developed wiki with a welcome and Manual of Style, a list of the last 50 changes to the site and many more features.
I am not a devotee of Star Wars myself (although I have seen all the movies) but it was obvious that this site is definitely an in-depth resource for those who are true fanatics!

Another feature of this site I like is the link to sites that might interest Star Wars fans, eg. an entertainment link to Wikia, which in turn has a link to a Doctor Who wiki and others.

Another wiki I found to be of interest was Book Lovers Wiki (an initiative of Princeton Public Library). It was created to be a means for adults participating in a Summer Reading Club to share book reviews with other participants. This was a fantastic way for participants to
recommend books they enjoyed, not necessarily those that would be reviewed elsewhere. The reviews were listed under different headings such as Classics, Contemporary Fiction, Romance, Mystery etc, as well as a separate list for those which received a five star rating. This is definitely a great idea for public libraries to take hold of.

Library Success : A Best Practices Wiki was worth visiting because it provides a forum for sharing of ideas on a wide range of areas concerning the library world and librarians. There are fourteen main areas, such as "Training and Development for Librarians", "Readers' Advisory" and "Services to Specific Groups" such as "Services for the Housebound" and "Services to the Poor and Homeless". This means there is material here of benefit to most library staff wanting to share ideas and learn from others.

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